I See You Watching Me Watching You
M-M-M-My Sharona...
Is is just me or is there a plethora of new bands recycling older material?
Even Madonna's doing it. She's using ABBA's Gimme, Gimme,Gimme A Man After Midnight (I could have the lyrics wrong; I admire ABBA but I'm not a hard core fan).
There's the Rogue Traders' new one which has the riff from My Sharona.
It's not only pop songs that are being plagiarised. There's another one that I can't quite bring to mind at the moment that used something from a ballet score (I think it was Romeo & Juliet). If anyone can think of it, please feel free to post a comment. It is a female vocalist and I think she is Australian.
Is it truly a new song if your main theme is a sample from another's work? Is that cheating?
..And I'm waiting for you again, yes I'm waiting for you...